Sunday, April 10, 2011

Speed Testride

While in LA a couple days a go, what better thing to do on vacation than check out recumbent trike shops? Since we don't have them at home, it was a must. We headed over to Bent Up Cycles where Dana and his colleagues treated us like royalty. The customer service was really excellent.

After introducing myself as a KMX Tornado rider who's looking at Catrikes, they put me on the Speed and a Bionx equipped Expedition.

Wow, the quality on theses trikes are way above KMX. Sorry, KMX. I love you, but Catrike's stepping all over your stuff. I guess I should expect the difference in caliber from the prices of the two brands. $2,500 Catrike Speed vs $800 KMX Tornado. The difference in quality is obvious. Not to say KMX isn't a good brand. It's just not a Catrike. Should they be compared? The companies have different target market's but it's still worth mentioning how different they truly are.

More info tomorrow. Zzzzzzz.


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