Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Communication on the road

I'm starting to think more and more about communication on the road. I always knew I'd have the cell phone, but maybe I should explore other things especially in this age of netbooks and Skype. I've never used Skype before as a caller. I've received one call from Rayfil while he was in HK, but that's pretty much it. I'll have to get my friends to educate me on how all this new-school technology works. I think it'd be pretty cool to be able to communicate either in real time or through blog postings live from the AIDS Life Cycle event while I'm on it.

Perhaps some time in the tent with Angela could be spent blogging and chatting with family and friends.

I may be hitting up a few of you guys to help me out with the technology aspect of this stuff. I'm sure I could figure it out, but it would help to learn from a techno nerd.

David came up with a brilliant idea!

Use the Kindle! Yup, the newer Kindles use 3G technology and can access the web from anywhere! Great way to update the blog. I tried it on my own early model (white) kindle and unfortunately I get an error when attempting to edit the blog entries. Hopefully his will do better. I'll have to borrow it soon to give it a try.


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