Does that say fifty up there? I can't believe it! I've done a lot in the past year to this trike. The more accessories I add and the more I modify it, the less I want a Catrike Speed. Every upgrade means more work (and $$) I'd have to put into the Speed to catch up to the Tornado as it stands now. In other words, the Catrike Speed looks worse and worse after every mod to the Tornado. The gap is only getting bigger. I'll never get over the weight advantage of the Catrikes though.
What a smart idea! Integrate a compass into the casing of a bell! No tax and shipping was free from a recent promotion when any Nashbar product is purchased. The thing is a bit bulky, but the bell works suprisingly well. I currently have a Daiso knockoff version of the standard bell and it doesn't ring nearly as loudly or as high pitched as this one.

When I ordered this thing, I was worried the compass wouldn't be readable due to the vertical angle it has to be mounted. After getting it on though, it doesn't look like it'll be a problem. The letter I can't see indicates the direction I'm heading. I can't wait to test the bell out! Watch out pedestrians! A friendly ring is just around the corner.
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