How often will I need an emergency brake? Won't I typically be on the trike and can just put my foot down? Not very and yes. However, there are times that I do need to get off the trike and the Bike Brake would be perfect. Sometimes I need to do maintenance on it and would rather not take my chances of it rolling down my driveway or into the street. It's nice to have a brake when I'm on my break. I'm also an accessory addict and fulfilling my needs for $2.99 + tax isn't too shabby.
One month later, I gave in. My
The benefit of this product over other options is that unlike a rubber wristband, the Bike Brake is tight enough to hug the handlebar w/o any slack. It stays out of the way when not in use. The same benefit can also be a drawback b/c it's definitely more difficult to engage than a more loosely fit rubber wristband. It looks like the inventor considered this and designed a couple tabs to make it more easily engaged. See the tabs in the first image of the original packaging.
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